…Suddenly a White Rabbit…”

Marvel Team-Up #131 ReworkedYou’re see­ing a rein­ter­pre­ta­tion here of the cov­er to Mar­vel Team-Up #131. I must con­fess that I know absolute­ly noth­ing about the White Rab­bit, or how much of a con­nec­tion she has to the char­ac­ter that appeared in the Lewis Car­roll book Alice’s Adven­tures in Won­der­land. I don’t have a clue about Frog-Man either. I’ve nev­er read this comic.

So why did I do this cov­er? Sim­ple: when I saw the orig­i­nal, I thought there was some­thing fun here that could be rein­ter­pret­ed. If you look around my site, you’ll see that I do things like this on occa­sion. I even got to do it once for the late, lament­ed Cov­ered Blog before they called it a day. Though they’re no longer doing cov­er rein­ter­pre­ta­tions there, I think the idea is still worth pur­su­ing from time to time here.

While more or less straight recre­ations can be fun too, tak­ing an orig­i­nal cov­er and try­ing to find a fresh angle or spin to put on it can be even more fun. In this case, I thought ren­der­ing it in a dif­fer­ent style to make the humor­ous intent of the sto­ry more obvi­ous would be a fun thing to do. And it seemed appro­pri­ate to use the Mar­vel Pop Art Pro­duc­tions cor­ner box with it.

For once, that’s pret­ty much all there is to say for this one!

6 thoughts on “…Suddenly a White Rabbit…”

    1. Mark Post author

      Thanks, John! And ver­i­ly, thou speak­est truth! We could def­i­nite­ly use more comics with a sense of fun to them.

  1. Lyle Dodd

    Goofy! Goofy! I checked out the orig­i­nal cov­er and I actu­al­ly think your cov­er does a bet­ter job of cap­tur­ing the tone of the cap­tion, “Not for the over­ly serious.”

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you like it. Some­thing about that orig­i­nal cov­er grabbed me. I felt there was some­thing going on in the under­ly­ing con­cept that I could have some fun with.

  2. Don Manuel

    Cool cov­er, Guy! I nev­er heard of WR, and thought maybe this was a char­ac­ter YOU made up..! Nice sol­id ink lines on this…Keep at it!

    1. Mark Post author

      Thanks for stop­ping by, and for your com­ments, Don!
      Like you, White Rab­bit for me was one of those back-back­bench Mar­vel char­ac­ters that I had no aware­ness of. But the orig­i­nal cov­er called out to me, for some reason.


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