It’s not new (done back in 2013, apparently!), but I was recently looking through some old files on my computer that I hadn’t examined in awhile, and it occurred to me that some out there might find this interesting.
This came about because my oldest nephew (Michael) reached out, told me he and his best bud were wanting to do a podcast together about Minecraft, and he asked if I could do some cover art to represent it. My nieces and nephews rarely ask anything of me; what kind of an uncle would I be if I said, “no”?
Michael sent me images of their in-game avatars (his is on the left). I know very little about games, but I thought it would be a fun challenge, and something different to do. So I did some research into different approaches to art done for Minecraft, and figured out a direction to go with it that I thought would be fun. This was the result.
What happened with the podcast? I honestly don’t know. But that’s not the point. The point is that I got to be the cool uncle!
Love you, Michael!
This is an excellent graphic for a pod cast. You are a good Uncle!
Thanks! Glad you like it.