Stretching the Point

We’re at Day Eight of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son to hon­or the King in his birth month. A new ele­ment this year is each week hav­ing a theme, this week’s being the Fan­tas­tic Four. If you’ve been fol­low­ing along the pre­vi­ous days, you might be able to guess today’s prompt: Mr. Fantastic.

Reed Richards as Mr. Fan­tas­tic is the bril­liant scientist/inventor and leader of the FF. A fun aspect of the orig­i­nal Jack and Stan run on Fan­tas­tic Four were those scenes where Reed was inten­sive­ly work­ing in his lab over some wild Kir­by-designed piece of equip­ment. I kind of had that in mind when doing this drawing.

If you’ve seen the orig­i­nal run by Jack and Stan, you might rec­og­nize that the way Jack drew Reed kind of mor­phed over the time he was doing the book. Mr. Fan­tas­tic start­ed off a bit thin­ner in the face ini­tial­ly, but got a lit­tle more “robust” lat­er on. I ref­er­enced how Reed looked dur­ing the mid­dle issues of the run here, which many con­sid­er to be the prime peri­od for the book.

The week’s theme is not over! Hav­ing cov­ered the FF them­selves, tune in tomor­row to see who’s up next.

2 thoughts on “Stretching the Point

  1. joe musich

    Once again, thanks Mark. You nice­ly cap­ture the inten­si­ty of Dr. Richards. And oh, the gim­micks. This one ties in nice­ly with the device Jack used to reveal Sue Stor­m’s oth­er more hid­den pow­ers. I won­der if this is a hint as to to your devel­op­ing nar­ra­tive? Time will tell.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you’re lik­ing this. Kind of like how Howard Simp­son observed on LinkedIn, Mr. Fan­tas­tic’s stretch­ing is a neat pow­er, but Reed’s real super­pow­er is his mind. And like I said there, while peo­ple often (right­ly) con­nect the Thing as being some­thing of an alter ego for Jack Kir­by, I believe it’s also true that there’s a bit of Jack in Reed Richards, curi­ous and quest­ing into the unknown.


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