
Mark has made a liv­ing in ani­ma­tion since 1993, and has also man­aged along the way to do the occa­sion­al com­ic book project or oth­er art job on the side. Com­pa­nies he’s worked for include Han­na-Bar­bera, Dream­Works, Warn­er Bros Ani­ma­tion, Uni­ver­sal Ani­ma­tion, DC Comics, Image Comics, Gau­mont Ani­ma­tion, MGM Ani­ma­tion and SD Enter­tain­ment. It will come as no sur­prise that he draws (based on the site name), but he also inks, let­ters, col­ors and has done graph­ic design projects as well. And yes, he was even in a band at one point.

You can see a more detailed list­ing of jobs over on LinkedIn. My IMDB page is here. And though my email address is over in the side­bar at right, I’ll include it here too, just for good mea­sure: mark [at] marklewisdraws.com.