Sorry it’s been so long since I posted anything new here! It’s time to do something about that.
Here’s a preview of the cover I did for an upcoming issue of FCA, appearing in the pages of Roy Thomas’ Alter Ego. This issue features an interview with comics writer Elliot S! Maggin (he was including an exclamation mark after his middle initial in those days). Mr. Maggin was one of the writers who were called upon to write DC’s revival of the original Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family, in the early ’70s.
Those with an astute eye will realize that this illustration forms something of a bookend with the Denny O’Neil cover I posted some months back. Keeping that visual association was at the FCA editor’s request, since both O’Neil and Maggin were the main writers for the Captain Marvel revival.
The background art I’m using here comes from stories Mr. Maggin wrote (just as the art I used on Mr. O’Neil’s portrait cover came from Captain Marvel stories he’d written).
Though the cover date says May, this issue should hit the stands sometime in April. I’m looking forward to reading the article myself!