I Can Dig It

It’s now the 10th day of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, devised by Howard Simp­son to hon­or the cre­ative genius of the King. Howard intro­duced a fun new wrin­kle this year, of themed weeks. This week’s theme has been the Fan­tas­tic Four, and on this last day of the week, the final prompt is the Mole Man.

The Mole Man may not be con­sid­ered the FF’s arch­en­e­my, but he has the dis­tinc­tion of being the very first antag­o­nist they faced in their ori­gin sto­ry. Like many of the FF vil­lains, he had more com­plex­i­ty to him than your aver­age com­ic book vil­lain. He com­mand­ed an army of Moloids (which I’ve includ­ed some of here, free of charge) as well as var­i­ous giant under­ground mon­sters. He was bit­ter, yet not entire­ly unsym­pa­thet­ic, hav­ing been shunned and basi­cal­ly dri­ven away by most of the rest of mankind.

While I have (on rare occa­sion) pre­vi­ous­ly attempt­ed to draw some of the oth­er FF char­ac­ters I’ve drawn this week, this is the first time I’ve ever tried to draw the Mole Man. It was fun!

And that wraps up Fan­tas­tic Four week. Tomor­row’s a new week, and a new theme!

2 thoughts on “I Can Dig It

  1. joe musich

    The Mole Man def­i­nite­ly arous­es sym­pa­thy. When we com­pare how Mole Man and Ben react to their defor­mi­ties, Ben thrives with the love of his team, while the sin­gu­lar Mole Man goes to a very dark place, no pun intend­ed. I don’t believe we ever know Mole Man’s name, which makes the char­ac­ter even more alone than our Thing. Jack­’s pan­el lay­out brings this sto­ry to life in a way noth­ing before did.
    Inter­est­ing­ly in the sto­ry, French Africa is cho­sen as the set­ting. When the FF and the Mole Man book came out, at the same time we were study­ing col­o­niza­tion in Africa, par­tic­u­lar­ly the Alger­ian Mas­sacre in Paris. Great choice, Mole Man. And a great ren­di­tion. Maybe it’s my eyes, but the dot matrix pat­tern seems to pop more with this piece?
    I had two copies of this book in my col­lec­tion at one time. I wish I had just one of the two. Not for the val­ue, but for the mem­o­ry. I like the way you seem to draw pri­mar­i­ly on the first FF issues. Thanks Mark.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you liked my take on Mole Man, Joe.
      I’d nev­er thought about the cor­re­la­tion between him and the Thing, but you’re absolute­ly right about the dif­fer­ence. And the lack of a name mak­ing him seem even more alone and for­got­ten. Lat­er cre­ators though appar­ent­ly could­n’t resist giv­ing him a name: Har­vey Elder. As an appar­ent nod to Har­vey Kurtz­man and Will Elder’s Melvin Mole sto­ry from MAD #2.


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