Two and Two Is…

It’s now day 13 of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, and we’re in the midst of a week themed for the D.N.Aliens from Jack­’s time on Jim­my Olsen. Today’s prompt is the Four-Armed Ter­ror, anoth­er char­ac­ter I’ve nev­er tried to draw before.

The Ter­ror was part of a batch of D.N.Aliens cooked up in secret by the Evil Fac­to­ry to wreak hav­oc on their oppo­site, the DNA Project. Feed­ing on radioac­tive ener­gy, the Four-Armed Ter­ror and his sib­lings came dan­ger­ous­ly close to end­ing the Project in a nuclear fire­ball! But Super­man saved the day at the last moment.

To be hon­est, the Ter­ror was a bit of a chal­lenge to draw. His appear­ance did­n’t seem to be com­plete­ly locked down, and the inks by Vince Col­let­ta did­n’t real­ly help in that regard either. So hope­ful­ly this com­bines enough of what I saw in all those pan­els to work.

Tune in again tomor­row for anoth­er D.N.Alien!

2 thoughts on “Two and Two Is…

  1. joe

    Looks good through these eyes. You cap­ture the unadul­ter­at­ed vicious­ness of the Four-Armed Ter­ror com­plete­ly. I have to say I am pleased you left off the vocal­iza­tions it used in the sto­ry. Noth­ing to look through to get to the hor­ri­fy­ing faces. The green in the back­ground real­ly helps the yel­low pop. Thanks.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you’re lik­ing it. Col­or choice on these is down to a few dif­fer­ent fac­tors. One is that I’ve lim­it­ed myself to col­ors achiev­able with­in the palette they used inside comics in those days. Anoth­er is that I specif­i­cal­ly go for col­ors used in those comics by the colorist(s) on those spe­cif­ic books. And of course, the third fac­tor is just instinct, what looks right to my eye.


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