Some Enchantress Evening

If you’ve been fol­low­ing along, you know I’ve been doing Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month. This has been Asgard Week, fea­tur­ing char­ac­ters from Jack­’s Jour­ney into Mystery/Thor run. And our final vis­i­tor from Asgard this week is the Enchantress!

Her first appear­ance (in Jour­ney into Mys­tery #103) was a fun sto­ry, team­ing her with the Exe­cu­tion­er. Chic Stone’s inks worked well there, espe­cial­ly with a char­ac­ter like the Enchantress. Only a cou­ple years lat­er, it was reprint­ed in the Thor King-Size Spe­cial #1 (AKA Thor Annu­al #2).

The Enchantress’ col­or scheme was a lit­tle dif­fer­ent in her first appear­ance. Instead of the over­all green scheme, her cos­tume includ­ed bright magen­ta! Also, they made her a plat­inum blonde. I liked that idea; it was kind of a unique touch that got lost when they lat­er went with a more con­ven­tion­al blonde col­or. So I made her a plat­inum blonde again here.

Tomor­row’s a new week and a new theme! Tune in tomor­row to see.

2 thoughts on “Some Enchantress Evening

  1. joe musich

    Excellent–a sort of sassy-look­ing Enchantress. Both the col­or­ing of her hair and the way you shape her eyes give a “Mae West” sort of look. Her appear­ance is also a reminder Odin had a mean streak in his “rul­ing” of Asgard. Thanks Mark.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you like what I did here, and that the atti­tude comes across. I def­i­nite­ly picked up on that kind of vibe in how she was drawn and writ­ten in her first appear­ance, so I want­ed to try to get that here too.


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