As you might know, we’re in this year’s Jack Kirby Tribute Month, created by Howard Simpson. A new, cool thing Howard introduced this year has been weeks with overall themes to them. This week’s theme is Granny Goodness’ Orphanage, with characters who grew up there on Apokolips. Today’s prompt is Bernadeth of the Female Furies.
I’ve never attempted to draw her before. Jack gave her a very distinctive look. She tended to be a background player when the Furies would show up, and didn’t usually get much dialogue. Probably the most screentime and dialogue she got was in her first appearance, in Mister Miracle #6 (the infamous “Funky Flashman” story, where all the Furies first appeared). We learn that she’s the sister of Desaad, Darkseid’s master torturer. A cool and dispassionate person, her weapon of choice is the Fahrneknife, which can “penetrate dimensionally–and barbecue [you] from the inside!!” Chilling idea!
Hope you like my take on her. For who’s next, feel free to come back by here again tomorrow!
Excellent work of a being that scared me just based on appearance alone. Not sure if Jack put Bernadeth in there to set a certain tone or not. If so, it sure worked on me. Seeing the grimmest of the grim pop up today has me shivering. It is a hot day here in MN. And I just finished my workout, so shivering is not what I expected to be happening. Thanks Mark.
Glad to provide a shiver after your workout, I guess!
All the Furies were pretty serious in that first appearance in Mister Miracle #6, but yeah; Berandeth seemed particularly dispassionate and serious.