Not long ago, I received an email from my friend and mentor, Larry Houston. He’d stumbled across the existence of this toy motor scooter from the ’60s that had a figure of Thor riding it. Marx Toys had apparently licensed the rights from Marvel Comics to manufacture and sell these.
Oh, and I shouldn’t forget to mention that they made the motor scooter pink. Why Thor would even need to be tooling around on a motor scooter in the first place is one question. But why someone at the toy company made the conscious decision that Thor’s scooter ought to be pink is one of those big questions in life that I just don’t think we’ll ever have an answer to.
I had been aware of the existence of this toy previously, but had kind of forgotten about it until Larry’s email reminded me. In response, I was able to show him evidence that not only had they done this with Thor, they’d sold toys of Captain America and Spider-Man on motor scooters too. Spider-Man’s was also pink, but for some reason they allowed Cap to have a yellow scooter. You can see all three toys here, if you’re curious.
Anyway, the mental image of Marvel’s god of thunder on a pink motor scooter stuck with me. Sometimes these things just have to come out, so there you go! Perhaps this could even start an internet meme, of people drawing Marvel superheroes on pink motor scooters! I mean, why not?
I don’t recall having known about this, but I do have Captain Marvel in his Shazammobile. Which was actually part of a story in the last days of the SHAZAM! title.
I have only a vague recollection about that one. A bit more famous (or maybe I should say “infamous”) comic car would probably be the Spider-Mobile Marvel gave Spider-Man for a time in the ’70s. A dune-buggy in NY City, no less! Apparently this was a case where the toy company Marvel had licensed the rights to wanted the product to appear in the comic. And it did, off and on, for a period of about two and a half years.
The actual toy looks a little different from how it did in the comic. You can see it here.
Can I pick mine up? Where do I get it?
You’re wanting to buy yourself a pink motor scooter?
…Oh, you mean one of these toys! I haven’t looked, but perhaps they crop up on eBay or someplace like that?