I know what you’re thinking. You’re looking at my drawing and going, “Hey! He goofed up! He colored that drawing of Batman yellow!” Nope! It’s because it’s not Batman.
Sometime back, in cruising around the internet and following various links, I stumbled across an article on a pop culture site called Topless Robot, talking about a number of Korean cartoon characters who might hit the viewer with a sense of, mmm, déjà vu, shall we say. One that somehow stuck with me was the Golden Batman (or simply the Golden Bat, as he was sometimes referred to).
Differences between Batman and the Golden Batman don’t start and end with their costumes. They gave Golden Batman the power of flight (which sort of makes sense for a character named after a creature who flies), as well as super-strength (shades of the old Batman story “Batman– The Superman of Planet X”!). And that’s not all! Golden Batman can fire laser beams from his fingers. What do you think of that, Caped Crusader?
You can actually find the Golden Batman cartoon on YouTube in five parts, if you’re curious enough to see it. Dubbed into Spanish though, oddly enough. Seemingly not available in English, for some reason.