Larger Than Life

It’s now Day 10 of Howard Simp­son’s month-long cel­e­bra­tion of Jack Kir­by! Open to all cre­atives, you should be able to find the work being gen­er­at­ed on your favorite social media plat­forms by the hash­tag #Kir­b­yArt­Trib­ut­es.

Today’s prompt is Galac­tus. He first appeared in the pages of Fan­tas­tic Four, in prob­a­bly one of the best-loved and remem­bered sto­ries of that book, known by most fans as the Galac­tus trilogy.

The Fan­tas­tic Four car­ried the tag “The World’s Great­est Com­ic Mag­a­zine” on its cov­ers. While it was most­ly Stan Lee play­ful­ly doing pro­mo­tion­al hype, more often than not dur­ing the book’s ini­tial run  by Kir­by and Lee, it was truth in adver­tis­ing. Galac­tus as a char­ac­ter was some­thing very dif­fer­ent. I don’t think any­thing like him had ever been seen before in a super­hero com­ic. Not just a street thug or a reg­u­lar human guy in a super suit, he was more a force of nature, vir­tu­al­ly god­like. He pre­sent­ed a real chal­lenge to the sto­ry­tellers. How can you defeat an antag­o­nist like that?

Sur­pris­ing­ly, I real­ized this is the first time I’ve ever attempt­ed to draw Galac­tus! I’m not gonna lie; it was a lit­tle intim­i­dat­ing to tack­le him. His visu­al, while there are cer­tain con­sis­ten­cies, also fluc­tu­ates a great deal from com­ic to com­ic. Even his col­or­ing seems to change over his appearances!

Any­way, I felt like he came out okay, to my relief. Hope you enjoy it, and hope­ful­ly you might stop in here again tomorrow!

2 thoughts on “Larger Than Life

  1. joe musich

    Galac­tus! What an unfor­get­table embod­i­ment of the ulti­mate human weak­ness-unbound aqui­si­tion. Inter­est­ing­ly there has been lots of dis­cus­sion what evolves from his “suit.” I sug­gest that there need not be. But I under­stand that it is fun to spec­u­late. I would sug­gest how­ev­er the char­ac­ter appeared at a key point in the run of the orig­i­nal FF. I do not know the sales fig­ures but i bet there was a revi­tal­iza­tion of sales with the appear­ance of the destroy­er of worlds. Nice job on the clas­sic Galac­tus smirk. Thanks.

    1. Mark Post author

      Very glad you liked it, Joe.
      The Galac­tus tril­o­gy fell pret­ty darn close to smack-dab in the mid­dle of that run of FF. But you’re right; it was a piv­otal sto­ry. No one had ever tried any­thing quite like that before.


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