He Thinks He’s Hot Stuff!

It’s Day Six of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, we’re in the midst of Fan­tas­tic Four week, and today’s prompt is the Human Torch.

In his ini­tial appear­ances, he was per­haps a bit too form­less. Jack quick­ly fig­ured this out, and cod­i­fied what we now think of as his clas­sic look. From time to time, some sub­se­quent artists have tried to get cre­ative and find oth­er ways to draw him, but some­how he does­n’t look like him­self when you get too far removed from the tem­plate Jack set.

As men­tioned ear­li­er, I’m try­ing to get some sense of nar­ra­tive into these shots. Where exact­ly is he? Some­place unusu­al, no doubt. Feels like a sto­ry there.

Hope you like what I’ve done here. Tune in tomor­row if you’d like to see who’s up next!

2 thoughts on “He Thinks He’s Hot Stuff!

  1. joe musich

    So great to vis­it for the Kir­by month. I had no idea the Torch changed after his first appear­ance in FF #1. It was not until #3 where the change hap­pened that you depict so Fan­tas­ti­cal­ly (haha). As a read­er, I must have been so com­fort­able with Jack­’s adjust­ment that I did not blink. I did get the books right off the spin­ners. Yes where is he? The pat­terns must be a clue. Thanks Mark.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you liked this. I must admit to being a lit­tle jeal­ous of the idea of hav­ing been able to buy some of this off the spin­ner rack. I was around then, but way too young to even read any of these comics. Most like­ly if one had fall­en into my hands some way, I prob­a­bly would’ve gummed and drooled on it. 🙂


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