Think of a Number Between One and Ten…

On day 12 of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month (cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son), this week’s theme is the D.N.Aliens from Jack­’s time on Jim­my Olsen. Today’s char­ac­ter prompt is Dubbilex.

Dub­bilex was one of the D.N.Aliens from the gov­ern­men­t’s secret DNA Project, intro­duced in Jim­my Olsen. Though per­haps some­what off­putting at first glance, Dub­bilex was actu­al­ly quite friend­ly and intel­li­gent. Though cre­at­ed at the Project, he worked along­side the sci­en­tists, help­ing with research. He was the face of the Project, intro­duced to any vis­it­ing dig­ni­taries who were allowed through their doors. Lat­er in Jack­’s run, Dub­bilex was shown to have devel­oped Telekine­sis too.

I’d nev­er drawn Dub­bilex before (or most of the oth­er char­ac­ters that are prompts for this week). He was fun to take a shot at. Hope you like my take, and that you come back tomor­row to see the next D.N.Alien!

2 thoughts on “Think of a Number Between One and Ten…

  1. joe musich

    A pen­sive or per­haps ana­lyz­ing Dub­bilex cap­tures the char­ac­ter nice­ly. In a search to find out more than what was in the Olsen col­lec­tion, I’ve read he appears in Young Jus­tice. I have always thought about view­ing it, but have not. I am guess­ing if asked, Jack might iden­ti­fy quite strong­ly with his take on the char­ac­ter. Do you hap­pen to know?

    Thanks Mark.

    1. Mark Post author

      Dub­bilex also appeared in the Super­man titles dur­ing the Tri­an­gle Years, as the cre­ators on the books at that time real­ized there was a lot of great sto­ry mate­r­i­al in Jack­’s Jim­my Olsen issues that was worth revis­it­ing. When the clone Super­boy got his own title (spin­ning out of the “Reign of the Super­men” sto­ry­line), Dub­bilex was along as his advisor.
      I have no first­hand aware­ness of Jack­’s feel­ings or iden­ti­fi­ca­tion towards Dub­bilex. But sto­ry­tellers will often build their char­ac­ters around traits they either see in oth­ers, or them­selves. And I would­n’t be sur­prised if some of Dub­bilex’s stud­ied curios­i­ty came from Jack, whether con­scious­ly or subconsciously.


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