Don’t Be so Angry!

Today makes day 15 of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son. If you’ve been fol­low­ing along, you know the theme this week is the D.N.Aliens from the DNA Project and the Evil Fac­to­ry, as seen in Jack­’s run on Jim­my Olsen. And the prompt for today is Angry Charlie.

Angry Char­lie was a prod­uct and sur­vivor of the Evil Fac­to­ry, but not real­ly bad in him­self. He was more of a chaos agent, act­ing in unpre­dictable ways. His appear­ance was weird and a lit­tle off­putting, yet some­how also man­ag­ing to be kind of cute, in a way. The News­boy Legion (espe­cial­ly Gab­by) kind of adopt­ed him as a pet. Angry Char­lie had an odd propen­si­ty to snack on fur­ni­ture on occasion.

This isn’t the first time I’ve drawn Angry Char­lie! Last year’s Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month had a prompt for Kir­by’s mon­sters, and out of all the crea­tures I could’ve done, I chose to draw Char­lie. Guess I have a bit of a soft spot for him.

Hope you enjoy, and that you tune in again tomor­row to see the next D.N.Alien!

4 thoughts on “Don’t Be so Angry!

  1. joe musich

    Much bet­ter to see Angry Char­lie chew­ing his food. Thanks. His teeth struc­ture always seemed a bit mys­te­ri­ous. They look like almost one big grind­ing mass. Your pose of Char­lie def­i­nite­ly more reflects his char­ac­ter. And his glo­ri­ous yel­low visu­al sen­sors. Got­ta love it.
    Thanks Mark

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you like it. Yeah, there’s some­thing intrigu­ing about him. Like I said, last year I had my pick of any Kir­by mon­ster to draw, and I went with Angry Charlie.

  2. Lyle A Dodd

    As I recall, the oth­er thing that dis­tin­guish­es Angry Char­lie is that he and Mor­gan Edge were the only char­ac­ters Kir­by intro­duced that made a reap­pear­ance when the book went back to its orig­i­nal edi­to­r­i­al staff.
    I remem­ber the com­plaint from the pre­vi­ous cre­ators is that Jack sort of messed up a “sweet book”. Yet, what were sales like when he took over?
    Super­man’s Pal Jim­my Olsen under Kir­by was a whirl­wind of ideas, action and it cen­tered on the tit­u­lar char­ac­ter (which let­ter writ­ers also com­plained about) and not Superman.
    I like your ren­di­tion here, although I am not get­ting as strong a sense of nar­ra­tive in the pan­els from these last few entries. That’s just an obser­va­tion, not a criticism.

    1. Mark Post author

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen any of the issues of Jim­my Olsen from imme­di­ate­ly after Jack left, but it seems like I have a vague aware­ness that Mor­gan Edge showed up. Did­n’t feel like they real­ly quite knew what to do with him.
      It’s my under­stand­ing that sales on Jim­my Olsen pri­or to Jack were NOT good. I touched on how Jack end­ed up enfold­ing it into his Fourth World saga ear­li­er here. Your com­ment gives first­hand con­fir­ma­tion of what I’d sus­pect­ed, that fans of the book pre-Kir­by did­n’t real­ly know what to make of the wild ride Jack took them on. It was­n’t until much lat­er, the tri­an­gle num­ber era of Super­man (which you are inti­mate­ly famil­iar with), that those cre­ators real­ized what a gift Jack had giv­en DC in all this sto­ry material!


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