Wild Thing

Today wraps the sec­ond full week of this year’s Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month. This week’s theme has been the D.N.Aliens gen­er­at­ed by the DNA Project and the Evil Fac­to­ry, from Jack­’s Jim­my Olsen run. Today’s prompt is Jim­my “Homo-Dis­as­trous” Olsen.

As men­tioned before, one of the tropes that had long been part of Jim­my Olsen sto­ries was to put poor Jim­my through strange changes. And when Jack took over the title, using DNA as a plot ele­ment allowed him to take Jim­my through some very strange trans­for­ma­tions! Most were in the form of clones, but in this instance, Simyan and Mokkari of the Evil Fac­to­ry altered Jim­my him­self into this very sav­age and dan­ger­ous form. They over­es­ti­mat­ed their abil­i­ty to han­dle the altered Olsen. Or some of the oth­er crea­tures he freed from their menagerie.

I must admit that it was kind of fun to draw a sav­age Jim­my Olsen! Hope you enjoyed this, and please tune in again tomor­row to see a new week’s new theme!

2 thoughts on “Wild Thing

  1. joe musich

    Wow! Hands on Homo-Dis­as­trous. I had not thought about the fact that Jack turned Jim­my is trou­ble for this or that sto­ry line into a huge mess. HaHa­Ha. The sto­ry­line sure worked for me, and your today’s image cap­tures the wacky Jim­my ter­rif­i­cal­ly. Seems even mean­er than in the orig­i­nal flop­pies. Thanks Mark.

    1. Mark Post author

      It was a lot of fun to draw a wild, pri­mal ver­sion of Jim­my Olsen. I think for most artists, it’s fun to take a well-behaved char­ac­ter like Jim­my Olsen, and do a ver­sion where they run wild like this. The fun of con­trast, I guess. I’m sure Jack must have had fun com­ing up with this.


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