
We’ve made it to the 18th day of this year’s Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month (cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son)! A new week means a new theme: Asgard week, fea­tur­ing char­ac­ters who appeared in Jack­’s run on Jour­ney into Mystery/Thor. And this first day, the prompt is none oth­er than that wily ras­cal, Loki!

Loki made a pret­ty good ongo­ing threat to Thor and Asgard. He was always very crafty in how he went about his schemes, and even man­aged to gain con­trol of Asgard at one point! A lot has hap­pened to the char­ac­ter in the years since, but that “trick­ster” ele­ment has remained a part of his character.

I’ve said this pre­vi­ous­ly, but Jour­ney into Mystery/Thor is an impor­tant book to look at when study­ing the body of Jack­’s Mar­vel work. All his Mar­vel work is worth look­ing at, but I’ve come to the con­clu­sion that there are two books that are the pil­lars of his Mar­vel work, that must be tak­en into account. I’m talk­ing about the Fan­tas­tic Four, and Jour­ney into Mystery/Thor. Those are the two books where you not only see a storyteller/artist work­ing at the top of their craft, you also get to see a glimpse of Jack Kir­by as a per­son, the things that inter­est­ed and moti­vat­ed him. Thor shows the inter­est that Jack had in myths and leg­ends which ran through his career.

It was fun to take a shot at draw­ing a clas­sic-style Loki here. If you’re curi­ous as to who might be next, pop by again tomorrow!

2 thoughts on “Sneaky!

  1. Joe musich

    Now there is the out­ra­geous con­trol freak thief Loki that I keep in my head from his first appear­ance. Excel­lent. It is the best Loki I have seen in years. Con­grat­u­la­tions. Although he was not­ed as the god of mis­chief when first revealed, he was labeled “the most cun­ning and wicked.” In that first sto­ry, toss­ing peo­ple onto the sub­way track made the char­ac­ter much more mali­cious than he might be thought of now, par­tic­u­lar­ly after the live action series. Thanks, Mark, for the image that high­lights the “wicked.” Good one.

    1. Mark Post author

      Thank you very much! High praise!
      While I like a lot of the com­plex­i­ty that Lok­i’s char­ac­ter has had in some of the lat­er comics I’ve read, as well as in the MCU, I must admit that I miss the “cun­ning wicked­ness” of the ear­ly ver­sion. I was shoot­ing to get that here, and from what you’re say­ing, it sounds like I suc­ceed­ed. Which is good to hear.


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