No, I Am Not Coming with You!

This is now the 22nd day of this year’s Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month (cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son), and we’re work­ing our way through Asgard Week. Today’s prompt is Hela, god­dess of Death! Hela presents a strik­ing visual!

Like some oth­er char­ac­ters in the book, it seemed to take a lit­tle bit before she devel­oped a real “fixed” form. It seems she only appeared four times dur­ing Jack­’s run. I don’t have a copy of her ini­tial appear­ance in Jour­ney into Mys­tery #102 (I think in a “Tales of Asgard” back­up),  but when I looked up her sec­ond appear­ance in Thor #133, I was sur­prised. Not only is the draw­ing a bit dif­fer­ent, the col­or scheme does­n’t even include any green in it! It was­n’t until #150 that we got what most peo­ple have come to think of as her clas­sic design.

I’d nev­er tried to draw Hela before, and it was an inter­est­ing chal­lenge to wrap my head around her design, fig­ure out a way to under­stand it so I could draw it. One lib­er­ty I took was the green lips. They did­n’t do that in her appear­ance in #150, but it felt right to me. It’s like it gives her an even more “oth­er­word­ly” feel.

I had fun with this one, so I hope you like it too. Come back tomor­row to see who vis­its us next from Asgard!

4 thoughts on “No, I Am Not Coming with You!

  1. Lyle Dodd

    I feel a lit­tle like a vinyl record with a scratch, but this is a great drawing!
    The cov­er of Thor 150 is in my top five Kir­by cov­ers, absolute­ly one of my favorites and the sto­ry is even better.
    There is a scary ele­ment to this pan­el, but is dialed back enough that it’s not exces­sive. I think I am going to be sad when this week is over because I love all these Thor-relat­ed drawings.

    1. Mark Post author

      Very glad you’re lik­ing these. It’s been a lot of fun doing the Asgar­dians. Hela’s design was espe­cial­ly com­plex, and I was quite hap­py with how this one ulti­mate­ly came out.

  2. joe musich

    Yes sir, you have made Hela look bet­ter with your over­all col­or choic­es. I revis­it­ed the cov­er of Thor 150 and had not noticed that there seems to be a pat­tern to the greens on Hela’s cos­tume from the head down. It could be Jack­’s art play­ing tricks on my eyes. The green lips com­plete your image won­der­ful­ly. Thanks Mark.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you liked what I did here. It’s inter­est­ing: inside Thor #150, she has not only two green tones, but there’s also yel­low! I looked at a num­ber of oth­er inter­pre­ta­tions of Jack­’s design to fig­ure out how best to approach both the draw­ing and the col­or­ing aspects of it, to keep it all in the green fam­i­ly. I came to the con­clu­sion that keep­ing the bulk of her out­fit dark with shad­ows and col­ored green, I would then able to get away with using only a lighter green for all the accents.


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