A Walking, Talking Miracle!

It’s day 26 of this year’s Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, and the theme we’re work­ing with this week is char­ac­ters raised in Granny Good­ness’ Orphan­age on Apokolips. Today’s prompt is Mis­ter Miracle!

I’ve drawn him before, not just for last year’s Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, but also a few times when I was younger. Some­thing about the char­ac­ter caught my eye. I’ve got a soft spot for him. Maybe it was the fact he was the clos­est thing in Kir­by’s Fourth World titles to look­ing like a reg­u­lar super­hero, or the bright col­or scheme. Per­haps it was also the super-sci­en­tif­ic escape act, that had him get­ting out of sit­u­a­tions that looked impos­si­ble. Maybe I was­n’t alone in being fas­ci­nat­ed, because appar­ent­ly sales fig­ures prompt­ed DC to keep Mis­ter Mir­a­cle going longer than any of the oth­er Fourth World titles.

It looks bad for our hero, but I’m sure he’ll get out of this at the last pos­si­ble moment! Tomor­row will be anoth­er for­mer res­i­dent of Granny Good­ness’ Orphanage.

2 thoughts on “A Walking, Talking Miracle!

  1. joe musich

    A day bright­en­er for sure. I too have always liked the cos­tume of the char­ac­ter. I was buy­ing hard­ly any titles dur­ing the release of the books. I won­der what Mr Mir­a­cle would have looked like if Ditko had actu­al­ly end­ed up as the artist, as wiki tells me was sort of Jack­’s plan. Hav­ing just read this, I was again sur­prised by how Jack was den­i­grat­ed by DC. But I digress: your con­jur­ing is dynam­ic and flow­ing. Admirable. Thanks Mark.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you liked my shot at Mis­ter Miracle.
      Yeah, Mark Evanier has talked about how Jack had in mind to launch a bunch of these books, then get oth­er hands like Ditko’s to pick up the baton, and he’d over­see them as kind of qua­si-edi­tor/cre­ative con­trib­u­tor. I think John Romi­ta’s name was also men­tioned as some­one he would’ve approached. But DC want­ed all Jack Kir­by, so that’s what they did. And I can’t say I’m dis­ap­point­ed to end up with more pure Jack Kir­by art and sto­ry­telling for us to enjoy.


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