No, Not Barbara!

Still doing Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, we’re in the midst of Granny Good­ness’ Orphan­age Week, fea­tur­ing char­ac­ters who grew up in that insti­tu­tion on Apokolips. Today’s prompt is the one and only Big Bar­da, erst­while com­man­der of the Female Furies!

There’s some­thing real­ly neat about her bat­tle armor that makes it a fun chal­lenge to wrap your head around and try to draw it. I took a shot at it last year too.

Appar­ent­ly at one point, Jack had want­ed to star Bar­da and the oth­er Furies in their own book, but I gath­er by that point, DC felt sales on the Fourth World books weren’t enough to jus­ti­fy doing it, sadly.

Hope you like my take on Bar­da here, and please feel free to come back by here tomor­row to see who’s next from the Orphanage!

2 thoughts on “No, Not Barbara!

  1. joe musich

    Thanks Mark. It is the blue in Big Bar­da’s cos­tume that makes her stand out for me, which is accen­tu­at­ed by the bright yel­lows. I have no idea if Jack chose col­or to reflect any­thing about a char­ac­ter’s mood and/or life expe­ri­ence, but it sure seems to some extend he did. She rose above, as is said, the hor­rors of the orphan­age. Granny Good­ness went well beyond Annie’s Ms. Han­ni­gan after all. I am curi­ous as to the rea­son you choose the look­ing up at us pose for her you did?

    1. Mark Post author

      I would assume Jack had at least some hand in the col­or designs, but don’t know the extent of it. For exam­ple, I’ve seen what appear to be con­cept draw­ings he did of Mis­ter Mir­a­cle where instead of red, he’d used more of a red­dish vio­let. DC (or maybe Jack him­self) changed that to a stan­dard comics red instead.
      There’s sort of a rule of thumb in super­hero comics that good guys are in pri­ma­ry col­ors, while bad guys are in sec­on­daries. You can of course find excep­tions to that, but Bar­da def­i­nite­ly makes use of that pri­ma­ry formula.
      As to the pose, I was­n’t shoot­ing so much for a down shot as I was for the kind of forced per­spec­tive shot Jack excelled at: her lean­ing into cam­era, hav­ing fired the Megar­od, but ready to leap into fur­ther action if needed.


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