Do I Know You? Who Are You Again?

I’ve been wait­ing a year to do this! After I gen­er­at­ed last year’s Christ­mas offer­ing, this idea popped into my head. Though it’s a vari­a­tion on a theme, I had to final­ly get it out of my brain!

I have a big soft spot for DC’s Sil­ver Age 80 Pg. Giants, and the 100 Pg. Super Spec­tac­u­lars. The 80 Pg. Giants in par­tic­u­lar col­lect­ed a lot of fun, some­times strange, sto­ries. It occurred to me that it would be fun if there were one fea­tur­ing a bunch of odd­ball dif­fer­ent San­ta Claus­es, play­ing on some of the old comics tropes in think­ing them up. For some rea­son, they always had these “future men” with giant heads, pre­sum­ably to hold their enlarged brains! And of course there had to be a goril­la too!

Hope you enjoy! I’m not going to lie; if this were a real com­ic, I’d absolute­ly buy it. That’s about all there is to say, except to wish all my site vis­i­tors a Mer­ry Christ­mas, and a Hap­py New Year!

2 thoughts on “Do I Know You? Who Are You Again?

  1. joe musich

    You are absolute­ly cor­rect. I would snatch up a cou­ple of copies of this book off the spinnner rack, sit on the floor of the store where I saw the books and go imme­di­ate­ly to Goril­la San­ta with my jaw slack and my mouth wide open. It would not mat­ter that I am 78. Mas­ter­ful­ly done. Thank you for the gift.


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