We’ve made it to day 30 of this year’s Jack Kirby Tribute Month! I wasn’t sure I would make it this far, but here we go. It’s still Granny Goodness’ Orphanage week, featuring characters who grew up in that institution on Apokolips. And today’s prompt is Mad Harriet of the Female Furies!
Like all the Furies, her first appearance was in Mister Miracle #6 (the infamous “Funky Flashman” story). And she shows evidence there of living up to her name!
She’s a challenge to draw, because while visually memorable, once you get beyond her face and hair, her metallic clawed gauntlet and power spikes, it was like the remainder of her outfit didn’t seem to be quite fully nailed down. Figuring out what the rest of her looks like was a challenge, so I took what cues I could from various panels scattered across several stories.
I was also unsure what color to make her lips, as the colorist back then kind of didn’t bother to give them a color. But going with kind of a blue-black for the highlights seemed fitting to me.
One more day left in this year’s Jack Kirby Tribute Month! What’s up next? You’ll have to come back tomorrow to see!