Hey, Mister!

Long­time vis­i­tors to this blog might know that I was a reg­u­lar con­trib­u­tor to Big Bang Comics back in the day. I had lots of fun being a part of that! On his blog over on the Big Bang Comics site, Big Bang co-founder Gary Carl­son has been writ­ing an arti­cle about each issue that came out, in pub­li­ca­tion order. He just made it up to #8, which end­ed up fea­tur­ing a char­ac­ter named Mis­ter U.S. (co-cre­at­ed by writer Nat Gertler and I). You can read all about it here.

Just so there’s some­thing to look at here, I’ve put up a col­or guide I did for one of the vari­ant cov­ers. Back in those days, I was­n’t using Pho­to­shop yet, so this was all done using mark­ers and water­col­ors, then mark­ing up the page with the CMYK col­or for­mu­lae I want­ed for each col­or. Aside from that, between Gary and Nat, they’ve cov­ered the rest of the sto­ry pret­ty well, and I don’t want to spoil any­thing here. But it’s worth check­ing out, if you’re curi­ous about the “secret ori­gin” of this issue and how it came to be.


2 thoughts on “Hey, Mister!

  1. John Pierce

    Nice­ly done, as always, Mark. This awak­ens some nos­tal­gia in me for the Big Bang line, which was always a lot of fun.

    1. Mark Post author

      Yeah, Big Bang was a lot of fun, both as a cre­ative con­trib­u­tor as well as just read­ing what Gary and oth­er con­trib­u­tors were doing. I look back on those books very fondly. 

      As I men­tioned in my post, Gary’s doing a chrono­log­i­cal write­up of the sto­ry behind each Big Bang issue over at Big Bang Comics . You might enjoy check­ing those out, as he goes.


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