Hey, Gabby!

Awhile back, I had the plea­sure of get­ting called in to Dream­Works to help out briefly on a lit­tle show called Gab­by’s Doll­house. Per­haps you’ve heard of it? It was in the Top 10 there on Net­flix for a bit. Kind of an inter­est­ing hybrid of live action and CG, a very cute and sweet kids’ show. The crew were all real­ly nice, and I would have loved to stay onboard for the dura­tion, but cir­cum­stances just did not permit.

Any­way, I thought I’d post a lit­tle bit of the revi­sion work I did on one episode, I believe enti­tled “Kit­ty Cat Cam.” In it, Gab­by, her best pal Pandy and the gang are going on a scav­enger hunt through the Doll­house, and tak­ing lots of can­did pic­tures. This was for the last CG scene of that episode. Enjoy!

4 thoughts on “Hey, Gabby!

  1. John G Pierce

    We used to have a tab­by cat, but nev­er a gab­by cat. Seri­ous­ly, it sounds like a great project in which to participate.

    1. Mark Post author

      One of the things I lat­er received from the show was a pair of hon­orary cat ears!
      It was a fun project, and a real­ly nice crew all the way around (which does­n’t always hap­pen). My only regret was that it was­n’t pos­si­ble to con­tin­ue on the show, beyond the brief peri­od where they need­ed the extra assis­tance. But I am proud to have been able to make a contribution!

  2. Dan Riba

    Great work as usu­al Mark! It was fun work­ing on the show togeth­er I wish we could have had you on longer as well. I love the Bat­man drawing…besides the Dick Sprang era that is my favorite Batman.

    1. Mark Post author

      Dan! Wow, Thanks for stop­ping by and com­ment­ing. And more, for your (big) part in my get­ting con­tact­ed for that gig in the first place! It was a lot of fun work­ing togeth­er again. Hope we can do it yet again at some point.
      I was­n’t sure at first just from the com­ment which Bat­man you were refer­ring to, then I real­ized it might be one of the images that pops up in my site head­er (they rotate ran­dom­ly). So my guess is that it might be this one, which you can see more of here. If so, I real­ly love that very ear­ly ver­sion too!


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