
Fake comic cover for Big Bang Comics' Venus #198, with the character Olivia featured on the cover.As has no doubt become clear, I did a lot of fake cov­ers for “The Big Bang His­to­ry of Comics” issues. This one end­ed up being espe­cial­ly fun, for rea­sons you’ll under­stand when I explain who did what.

This cov­er is for the most part my work. I pen­ciled it, let­tered it, and now col­ored it. The inks? By none oth­er than (drum­roll please) Mr. Mike Roy­er him­self! He was Kir­by’s best inker in the ’70s, no ques­tion in my mind. I still kind of can’t believe this hap­pened. More about that in a minute.

Oblivia came about because I was think­ing of those odd char­ac­ters like the Black Rac­er who would sud­den­ly pop up ran­dom­ly out of nowhere in the midst of Jack­’s Fourth World saga at DC. I start­ed think­ing about what Joe Kingler (Big Bang Comics’ equiv­a­lent for Jack) might have done in the con­text of work­ing on Venus, and the name “Oblivia” popped into my head. It seemed to me very much the sort of “play on words” name that Jack often used. So a Venus cov­er fea­tur­ing her did­n’t at all seem out of line.

When I pen­ciled this cov­er, I had no clue who might end up ink­ing it. I prob­a­bly would­n’t have gone ahead and let­tered it if I had known. So when Big Bang’s Gary Carl­son raised a few pos­si­bil­i­ties for inkers, Mike Roy­er being one of them, it was the no-brain­er of all no-brain­ers to say, “Yes!”

I actu­al­ly had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pick up the fin­ished cov­er in per­son, and was thrilled with the end result. I got to spend a very fun Sun­day after­noon hang­ing out at Mr. Roy­er’s home, con­vers­ing and hear­ing a lot of great sto­ries about his time in comics, work­ing for Dis­ney doing licens­ing art, plus oth­er top­ics. Again, thanks so much, Mr. Royer!

In col­or­ing this, I heav­i­ly ref­er­enced the way all those Fourth World cov­ers at DC were col­ored. That guid­ed me to go in some direc­tions I prob­a­bly would­n’t have gone if I were just col­or­ing this nor­mal­ly on my own (like knock­ing the gang­sters out all in green), but it helped to real­ly get across the right peri­od look.

Thanks for looking!

2 thoughts on “Oblivious

  1. joe musich

    Mr. Kingler cer­tain­ly put up his best for the Venus cov­er. I also would run if Dr. Cadav­er was in the neigh­bor­hood. The name Oblivia is, well, where is my the­saurus? Well, let’s say a real raz­zle-daz­zle. The char­ac­ters on the side open up this old mind to more pos­si­bil­i­ties. And the Kingler freaked-out face in the right cor­ner winds up the cov­er grand­ly, par­tic­u­lar­ly with the col­or green high­light­ing the nox­ious fear of the two bad guys. Thanks Mark.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you like it!
      Inter­est­ing­ly, you’re not the only one to com­ment pos­i­tive­ly on my knock­ing the two gang­sters out in green. It’s some­thing that would­n’t nor­mal­ly have occurred to me, but like I said, ref­er­enc­ing the col­or­ing on all those “Fourth World” cov­ers, it seemed the right way to go to ful­ly evoke that look.


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