You’re All Doomed!

Today makes Day Nine of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son to hon­or the cre­ative genius of Jack Kir­by dur­ing his birth month. We’re in the first full week of the month, and the theme for this week is the Fan­tas­tic Four. Today’s prompt is Dr. Doom.

Vic­tor Von Doom views him­self as being above oth­er men. And yet (though he’d deny it), he’s clear­ly threat­ened by Reed Richards’ genius. He’s a bit more com­plex of a char­ac­ter than your aver­age supervil­lain. Kir­by has been quot­ed as say­ing he was inspired in part by The Man in the Iron Mask, and was try­ing to make him “the clas­sic con­cep­tion of Death,” with­out a hint of mer­cy, by mask­ing him in cold, unmer­ci­ful steel. He viewed Doom as being para­noid, and Doom’s per­fec­tion­ism was what ulti­mate­ly tripped him up and bent his mind.

Dr. Doom’s mask is kind of tricky to draw! It sort of morphs a bit between pan­els and appear­ances, so hope­ful­ly I’ve done it jus­tice here.

Tune in tomor­row for the finale of Fan­tas­tic Four week!

2 thoughts on “You’re All Doomed!

  1. joe musich

    Not sure how to phrase this? Great Doom? Excel­lent inter­pre­ta­tion of Vic. He was the night­mare of my child­hood. Once again, your eyes cap­ture him. You use the word para­noia, and you got it. Those eyes could change in heart­beat and do seri­ous dam­age. Eyes on edge and ready to be as cru­el and self-serv­ing as any human could be, So the com­pli­ment should be not “great” but psy­chotech­ni­cal­ly accu­rate. Read­ing has it that Stan came up with the name. The con­cept design was clear­ly all Jack. Doom’s appear­ance accen­tu­at­ed his depth of evil. You total­ly cap­ture the cos­tum­ing and there­fore the char­ac­ter. Thanks.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you liked my shot at Doom.
      Stan clear­ly liked allit­er­a­tion, so it’s very pos­si­ble he came up with the name. There was an ear­li­er char­ac­ter, Dr. Droom (lat­er renamed Dr. Druid), who pre-dat­ed the FF and Dr. Doom. Kind of the last gasp of the mon­ster sto­ries. I can’t remem­ber just where I read this now, but I seem to recall some sug­ges­tions that Dr. Droom might have first been named Doom, and then renamed Droom before pub­li­ca­tion. Per­haps they liked the Doom name too much to just use it for what was intend­ed as basi­cal­ly a one-off char­ac­ter? the “real” Doom appeared about a year later.


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