Do the Stomp!

We’re still in Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, and a new week means a new theme! This is Granny Good­ness’ Orphan­age Week, fea­tur­ing char­ac­ters who grew up in that august insti­tu­tion on Dark­sei­d’s Apokolips.

Today’s prompt to kick off the theme is the Female Furies, but I’ve decid­ed to go slight­ly off-menu and give you only one Fury today: Stompa.

Stom­pa (and the oth­er Furies) were first intro­duced in Mis­ter Mir­a­cle #6. You can prob­a­bly guess her spe­cial­ty by her name. Sounds sim­ple, but she made very effec­tive use of her abil­i­ty. Stom­pa and the oth­er core Furies appar­ent­ly decid­ed to defect to Earth from Apokolips, and became semi-reg­u­lars in the book for the rest of its run.

I had a bit of a time try­ing to nail down her col­or scheme, as it seemed to sort of shift around a lit­tle bit. I end­ed up with this as a good com­pro­mise for consistency.

Stom­pa was kind of fun to draw! I hope you enjoyed my take, and tune back in tomor­row to see who’s next.

2 thoughts on “Do the Stomp!

  1. Joe musich

    Good choice. And great pose to accen­tu­ate her skill. And once again your brighter col­ors real­ly give this char­ac­ters a clear place. I would have loved to see the intro­duc­to­ry Female Furies pan­el done as you did Stom­pa. Thanks much.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you enjoyed it! I ini­tial­ly did (very briefly) try to fit them all in one shot. But with the self-imposed rules I’ve been observ­ing for all of these, I real­ized it would’ve been vir­tu­al­ly impos­si­ble to fit them all in in one tiny shot, and get much in the way of action for every­one. But the oth­er Furies will get their day too! Stay tuned!


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