Knights That Do Justice‑y Type Things

Well, we’ve made it to the 31st here, the final day of Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month (the brain­child of Howard Simp­son). And the prompt for the final day of the month, like last year, is a bit of a wild card. As Howard put it last year, “Draw your own orig­i­nal char­ac­ter. The King would want you to cre­ate char­ac­ters you own.”

I dug pret­ty deep for this one. Pre­sent­ing a super­hero group I co-cre­at­ed with my broth­er Andy when we were kids: the Knights of Jus­tice! From left to right you have Mol­e­cule Man, Sledge­ham­mer, Boomerang King, the Wiz­ard (descend­ing from above), and final­ly… er, sor­ry; I don’t remem­ber the pur­ple guy’s name any­more! I could only come up with a vague rec­ol­lec­tion that he was the speed­ster of the group. My broth­er does­n’t remem­ber either.

I drew the orig­i­nal draw­ing when I was around 15, I fig­ure. And I admit to cring­ing a lit­tle bit at the draw­ing (those lol­lipop calves!) and some of those cos­tume designs. All I can say in my defense is it was the ’70s, and I guess I was influ­enced a bit too much by some of the trendi­er super­hero cos­tumes of the time. And why so many full face masks? Though I do think the Wiz­ard design is actu­al­ly kind of cool still, even all these years lat­er. Kind of brave to just go full black and white like that.

And that’s an offi­cial wrap for Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month this year, but I have one more thing I want to post tomor­row. Oh, and for what it’s worth, the Knight of Jus­tice are ™ & © Andy and Mark Lewis.

2 thoughts on “Knights That Do Justice‑y Type Things

  1. joe musich

    A fit­ting group for the Super­heroes Hall of Fame. Did the two of you ever do a com­plete sto­ry? They seem to be a tall group in the orig­i­nal art. The take you have done for Kir­by Month as your own group is very cool. The Lewis eyes real­ly make the char­ac­ters pop as does the dark­er sky in the back­ground and the sim­plic­i­ty of the build­ing sil­hou­ette with today’s cre­ation. I do like the black and white cos­tume in the mix of the col­ors of the oth­ers in the group. The hairy chest­ed Boomerang Kid with a mus­tache is worth a bunch of chuck­les. No doubt he was great in close shaves. HaHa­Ha. I know there was actu­al­ly a Pul­sar char­ac­ter. But your sort of invi­ta­tion to guess for the unre­mem­bered name gets me to that possibility–A com­bi­na­tion of pur­ple and pass­ing through mol­e­c­u­lar struc­tures as he vibrates. Thanks for the great month, Mark. I look for­ward to tomor­row’s surprise,

    1. Mark Post author

      Very hap­py you’ve been enjoy­ing this.
      No, my broth­er and I nev­er did a sto­ry with these char­ac­ters. The one draw­ing was about as far as it got before he felt the grav­i­ta­tion­al pull of the out­doors, and my own atten­tion got pulled onto oth­er things.
      “Lewis eyes”? Did­n’t know that was a thing, but that’s how style works, I guess. A lot of it is the things you do uncon­scious­ly that make up your style. I’ve seen video links that pur­port to tell young artists “How to Devel­op Your Style,” but to me, that’s just some­thing that hap­pens nat­u­ral­ly, organ­i­cal­ly. You keep work­ing, learn­ing from oth­er artists, and it just happens.


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