Tag Archives: Frank Squillace

It’s Transducin’ Time!

I just did a piece of pin­up art of Frank Squil­lace’s Trans­duc­er Man! ‘Nuff said!…

…No? Guess not. Okay; here’s more. Years ago, on my first day in ani­ma­tion (work­ing on X‑Men: The Ani­mat­ed Series) , the very first per­son I met was Frank Squil­lace. My friend Frank has always been one of those artists whom you could describe as an “idea engine.” For exam­ple, Jack Kir­by was clear­ly that kind of artist. Frank has always been com­ing up with ideas for dif­fer­ent char­ac­ters and sto­ries, as if it were the eas­i­est thing in the world. He’s got so many of them! I must con­fess to being a bit jeal­ous of Frank’s abil­i­ty to do that, because I’ve nev­er been wired quite that way.

Frank’s had his Trans­duc­er Man char­ac­ter for a good, long while, prob­a­bly since well before we ever met. The char­ac­ter’s gone through sev­er­al iter­a­tions over the years, as he peri­od­i­cal­ly played with the con­cept, hon­ing and shap­ing it. Back when we were work­ing togeth­er on X‑Men, I even did a few draw­ings of his char­ac­ter (as he was at that point) myself. I’ve includ­ed one here, below.

Frank and I have been talk­ing recent­ly, and he’s been real­ly fired up to do some­thing with Trans­duc­er Man again. Specif­i­cal­ly as a com­ic. As often hap­pens with Frank, the con­cept has been expand­ed and altered again. Cur­rent­ly, Trans­duc­er Man’s more in the vein of a clas­sic Gold­en Age com­ic char­ac­ter (while not entire­ly aban­don­ing his orig­i­nal more pulp-based roots). Hear­ing what Frank intends on doing with his com­ic, I could­n’t help but get the itch to take a crack at draw­ing the cur­rent iter­a­tion myself!

Mean­while, Frank is cur­rent­ly furi­ous­ly work­ing on his Trans­duc­er Man book, hop­ing to get it out. Stay tuned; I’ll let you know when it hap­pens! It will include my pinup…along with oth­er guest pieces of art!

Trans­duc­er Man is ™ & © Frank Squillace.