It’s Day 2 of Howard Simpson’s celebration of Jack Kirby on social media! I explained a little more about it yesterday. It’s basically open to all creatives, and if you want to find out what people are doing on your favorite social media platforms, you can use the hashtag #KirbyArtTributes.
Today’s prompt is the Boy Commandos. They were a Simon and Kirby creation for DC Comics back in the Golden Age, and a big sales success that lasted well beyond WWII, running from 1942 all the way to 1949. Simon and Kirby had a lot of success with kid gangs. The Commandos were a group of orphans from different countries who fought the Axis, commanded by Capt. Rip Carter (upper right corner). At the very bottom left corner in the derby is Brooklyn (I don’t know if he was ever given a last name), and on his right is Jan Haasan from the Netherlands. Above them are André Chavard of France on the left, and to André’s right is Alfie Twidgett from England.
I hope you enjoy, and stay tuned for tomorrow’s drawing!