PC News, Part V

This is prob­a­bly the last of my PC News posts. Time to move out of the 80’s!

The first cov­er here was for an issue announc­ing that PC News was going the Desk­top Pub­lish­ing route. Things weren’t entire­ly dig­i­tal yet in those days; for exam­ple, we still had to paste up all the type the Mac was going to be burst­ing through here. Pho­to­shop did­n’t yet exist, so we did the mag­a­zine using Aldus Page­mak­er, Adobe Illus­tra­tor, Mac­Draw and Mac­Draft! Any non-dig­i­tal­ly-cre­at­ed art like this still had to be pho­to­stat­ted, then run through a smelly device called a wax­er (I don’t know if those things even exist any­more), so it could then be bur­nished by hand down onto the page.

The sec­ond cov­er was for a fea­tured arti­cle in a fol­lowup edi­tion, “The Pin­na­cles and Pit­falls of Desk­top Pub­lish­ing.” Because of course, since it was still ear­ly days with these machines, there were prob­lems you’d encounter. I remem­ber get­ting that screen with the bomb logo a num­ber of times! It was fun to come up with all the lurk­ing bugs here for this illustration.

And that’s it for now, from the Lab in 1985!

2 thoughts on “PC News, Part V

  1. Lyle Dodd

    Melis­sa and I think the lit­tle Mac Com­put­er guy is “cute”. Melis­sa’s exact words.

    Did you get the gallery plug in up yet? Where do I click?

    1. Mark Post author

      Yup! The Gal­leries have been up since just before New Year’s. If you look up top in the black bar at the bot­tom of my head­er, you’ll see a link for the Gal­leries. It’s not direct at the moment (one of the things I need help to fix), but it will help you get there. In the mean­time, you can also get there this way.


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