Wild Thing

Today wraps the sec­ond full week of this year’s Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month. This week’s theme has been the D.N.Aliens gen­er­at­ed by the DNA Project and the Evil Fac­to­ry, from Jack­’s Jim­my Olsen run. Today’s prompt is Jim­my “Homo-Dis­as­trous” Olsen.

As men­tioned before, one of the tropes that had long been part of Jim­my Olsen sto­ries was to put poor Jim­my through strange changes. And when Jack took over the title, using DNA as a plot ele­ment allowed him to take Jim­my through some very strange trans­for­ma­tions! Most were in the form of clones, but in this instance, Simyan and Mokkari of the Evil Fac­to­ry altered Jim­my him­self into this very sav­age and dan­ger­ous form. They over­es­ti­mat­ed their abil­i­ty to han­dle the altered Olsen. Or some of the oth­er crea­tures he freed from their menagerie.

I must admit that it was kind of fun to draw a sav­age Jim­my Olsen! Hope you enjoyed this, and please tune in again tomor­row to see a new week’s new theme!

It’s All Their Fault!

Today makes day 16 of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, which means we’re offi­cial­ly over halfway through! If you’ve been keep­ing score, you know that this week’s theme has been the D.N.Aliens cre­at­ed by the DNA Project or the Evil Fac­to­ry, as seen in Kir­by’s run on Jim­my Olsen. Today’s prompts are the heads of the Evil Fac­to­ry, Simyan and Mokkari.

Work­ing on behalf of Dark­seid to wreak hav­oc on Earth from their secret loca­tion, Simyan and Mokkar­i’s Evil Fac­to­ry cre­at­ed a num­ber of crea­tures that they seemed in some cas­es to not even real­ly have any con­trol of. It was sci­ence run amuck! They were def­i­nite­ly respon­si­ble for cre­at­ing some “inter­est­ing” times for our heroes and the DNA Project. There’s also a sense that maybe the alliance between the two is on the frag­ile side, that each has their own inter­ests and ought to watch their back.

These guys were fun to try to draw. It struck me that those facial tat­toos (or mark­ings, or what­ev­er they are) on Mokkari kind of make me think of some­thing Steve Ditko might’ve designed.

Hope you like my take, and stay tuned! There’s one more day of this week’s D.N.Aliens theme, which you’ll see tomorrow!

Don’t Be so Angry!

Today makes day 15 of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son. If you’ve been fol­low­ing along, you know the theme this week is the D.N.Aliens from the DNA Project and the Evil Fac­to­ry, as seen in Jack­’s run on Jim­my Olsen. And the prompt for today is Angry Charlie.

Angry Char­lie was a prod­uct and sur­vivor of the Evil Fac­to­ry, but not real­ly bad in him­self. He was more of a chaos agent, act­ing in unpre­dictable ways. His appear­ance was weird and a lit­tle off­putting, yet some­how also man­ag­ing to be kind of cute, in a way. The News­boy Legion (espe­cial­ly Gab­by) kind of adopt­ed him as a pet. Angry Char­lie had an odd propen­si­ty to snack on fur­ni­ture on occasion.

This isn’t the first time I’ve drawn Angry Char­lie! Last year’s Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month had a prompt for Kir­by’s mon­sters, and out of all the crea­tures I could’ve done, I chose to draw Char­lie. Guess I have a bit of a soft spot for him.

Hope you enjoy, and that you tune in again tomor­row to see the next D.N.Alien!

Takes All Kinds

Here’s day 14 of of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son to hon­or the month of Jack Kir­by’s birth. The theme this week is the D.N.Aliens of the DNA Project and the Evil Fac­to­ry in Jim­my Olsen. And today’s prompt is Arin, the Armored Man.

Arin only appeared in one short tale, part of a few one-shot extras Jack did under the umbrel­la title, “Tales of the DNA Project.” Arin was cre­at­ed by the Project to be able to live and thrive in the vac­u­um of space. He had with him a red back­pack that…well, I don’t want to spoil the sto­ry for those who haven’t read it. We only get to see him for three pages in Jim­my Olsen #146, so who knows what comes next?

Arin seems to be metal­lic in nature, but he appears dif­fer­ent from the kind of shiny met­al com­pos­ing char­ac­ters like the Sil­ver Surfer. I tried to get that sense here too.

I hope you enjoy my take, and feel free to tune in tomor­row for anoth­er D.N.Alien!


Two and Two Is…

It’s now day 13 of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, and we’re in the midst of a week themed for the D.N.Aliens from Jack­’s time on Jim­my Olsen. Today’s prompt is the Four-Armed Ter­ror, anoth­er char­ac­ter I’ve nev­er tried to draw before.

The Ter­ror was part of a batch of D.N.Aliens cooked up in secret by the Evil Fac­to­ry to wreak hav­oc on their oppo­site, the DNA Project. Feed­ing on radioac­tive ener­gy, the Four-Armed Ter­ror and his sib­lings came dan­ger­ous­ly close to end­ing the Project in a nuclear fire­ball! But Super­man saved the day at the last moment.

To be hon­est, the Ter­ror was a bit of a chal­lenge to draw. His appear­ance did­n’t seem to be com­plete­ly locked down, and the inks by Vince Col­let­ta did­n’t real­ly help in that regard either. So hope­ful­ly this com­bines enough of what I saw in all those pan­els to work.

Tune in again tomor­row for anoth­er D.N.Alien!

Think of a Number Between One and Ten…

On day 12 of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month (cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son), this week’s theme is the D.N.Aliens from Jack­’s time on Jim­my Olsen. Today’s char­ac­ter prompt is Dubbilex.

Dub­bilex was one of the D.N.Aliens from the gov­ern­men­t’s secret DNA Project, intro­duced in Jim­my Olsen. Though per­haps some­what off­putting at first glance, Dub­bilex was actu­al­ly quite friend­ly and intel­li­gent. Though cre­at­ed at the Project, he worked along­side the sci­en­tists, help­ing with research. He was the face of the Project, intro­duced to any vis­it­ing dig­ni­taries who were allowed through their doors. Lat­er in Jack­’s run, Dub­bilex was shown to have devel­oped Telekine­sis too.

I’d nev­er drawn Dub­bilex before (or most of the oth­er char­ac­ters that are prompts for this week). He was fun to take a shot at. Hope you like my take, and that you come back tomor­row to see the next D.N.Alien!

Jolly and Green

We’re at Day 11 of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, start­ing the sec­ond full week of the month. A new week means a new over­all theme: D.N.Aliens (from the DNA Project and the Evil Fac­to­ry in Jim­my Olsen). Today’s prompt is the Giant Jim­my Olsen.

When Jack Kir­by decid­ed it was time to leave Mar­vel for green­er pas­tures and jumped over to DC, it was a Big Deal! Report­ed­ly, Jack was offered his pick of any DC book he want­ed. Jack though was very much a work­ing man at heart; while he was an artist, he was also very con­scious of the fact he was work­ing hard to pro­vide for his fam­i­ly as best he could. And he was mind­ful that oth­er artists were in the same boat, so he was ret­i­cent to get any­one boot­ed from a reg­u­lar assign­ment that helped to pay their bills. As a result, when offered his choice of any book in the DC line, Jack said, “Give me your worst-sell­ing title,” since he would­n’t be putting any­one out of work by doing that. This is how Jim­my Olsen (of all books) wound up being an inte­gral part of Jack­’s Fourth World Saga at DC.

I’m sure that any reg­u­lar Jim­my Olsen fans’ heads were prob­a­bly spin­ning, over all the wild, crazy action and con­cepts Jack threw at them. DNA? Cloning? The Hairies? The Moun­tain of Judg­ment? In some ways, Jack was prob­a­bly a bit too far ahead of his time for DC, or for most read­ers then. It was­n’t until years lat­er that sub­se­quent Super­man cre­ative staff seemed to final­ly catch up with Jack and revis­it­ed some of his concepts.

Even before Jack took on the book though, there was some­thing of a tra­di­tion of Jim­my Olsen under­go­ing strange changes or trans­for­ma­tions from time to time (look up Giant Tur­tle Boy, for exam­ple). Bring­ing DNA into the sto­ry­telling mix allowed Jack to put a fresh spin on this idea. The Giant Jim­my Olsen was genet­i­cal­ly engi­neered from DNA sam­ples tak­en from Jim­my by the Evil Fac­to­ry. He was cre­at­ed to break into the DNA Project , kill Super­man and destroy the Project.

I don’t know if Jack was respon­si­ble for his col­oration, but some­one must have amused them­selves by col­or­ing Giant Jim­my green, which gave him some­thing in com­mon with a cer­tain big, strong, rag­ing (ahem!) Incred­i­ble char­ac­ter at anoth­er company.

Hope you enjoy, and tune in again tomor­row to see the next D.N.Alien!

I Can Dig It

It’s now the 10th day of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, devised by Howard Simp­son to hon­or the cre­ative genius of the King. Howard intro­duced a fun new wrin­kle this year, of themed weeks. This week’s theme has been the Fan­tas­tic Four, and on this last day of the week, the final prompt is the Mole Man.

The Mole Man may not be con­sid­ered the FF’s arch­en­e­my, but he has the dis­tinc­tion of being the very first antag­o­nist they faced in their ori­gin sto­ry. Like many of the FF vil­lains, he had more com­plex­i­ty to him than your aver­age com­ic book vil­lain. He com­mand­ed an army of Moloids (which I’ve includ­ed some of here, free of charge) as well as var­i­ous giant under­ground mon­sters. He was bit­ter, yet not entire­ly unsym­pa­thet­ic, hav­ing been shunned and basi­cal­ly dri­ven away by most of the rest of mankind.

While I have (on rare occa­sion) pre­vi­ous­ly attempt­ed to draw some of the oth­er FF char­ac­ters I’ve drawn this week, this is the first time I’ve ever tried to draw the Mole Man. It was fun!

And that wraps up Fan­tas­tic Four week. Tomor­row’s a new week, and a new theme!

You’re All Doomed!

Today makes Day Nine of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son to hon­or the cre­ative genius of Jack Kir­by dur­ing his birth month. We’re in the first full week of the month, and the theme for this week is the Fan­tas­tic Four. Today’s prompt is Dr. Doom.

Vic­tor Von Doom views him­self as being above oth­er men. And yet (though he’d deny it), he’s clear­ly threat­ened by Reed Richards’ genius. He’s a bit more com­plex of a char­ac­ter than your aver­age supervil­lain. Kir­by has been quot­ed as say­ing he was inspired in part by The Man in the Iron Mask, and was try­ing to make him “the clas­sic con­cep­tion of Death,” with­out a hint of mer­cy, by mask­ing him in cold, unmer­ci­ful steel. He viewed Doom as being para­noid, and Doom’s per­fec­tion­ism was what ulti­mate­ly tripped him up and bent his mind.

Dr. Doom’s mask is kind of tricky to draw! It sort of morphs a bit between pan­els and appear­ances, so hope­ful­ly I’ve done it jus­tice here.

Tune in tomor­row for the finale of Fan­tas­tic Four week!

Stretching the Point

We’re at Day Eight of the sec­ond annu­al Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son to hon­or the King in his birth month. A new ele­ment this year is each week hav­ing a theme, this week’s being the Fan­tas­tic Four. If you’ve been fol­low­ing along the pre­vi­ous days, you might be able to guess today’s prompt: Mr. Fantastic.

Reed Richards as Mr. Fan­tas­tic is the bril­liant scientist/inventor and leader of the FF. A fun aspect of the orig­i­nal Jack and Stan run on Fan­tas­tic Four were those scenes where Reed was inten­sive­ly work­ing in his lab over some wild Kir­by-designed piece of equip­ment. I kind of had that in mind when doing this drawing.

If you’ve seen the orig­i­nal run by Jack and Stan, you might rec­og­nize that the way Jack drew Reed kind of mor­phed over the time he was doing the book. Mr. Fan­tas­tic start­ed off a bit thin­ner in the face ini­tial­ly, but got a lit­tle more “robust” lat­er on. I ref­er­enced how Reed looked dur­ing the mid­dle issues of the run here, which many con­sid­er to be the prime peri­od for the book.

The week’s theme is not over! Hav­ing cov­ered the FF them­selves, tune in tomor­row to see who’s up next.