We’ve reached the fifth day of Howard Simpson’s month-long celebration of Jack Kirby! Open to all creatives, you can find the work on your favorite social media platforms by the hashtag #KirbyArtTributes.
Today’s prompt is Simon and Kirby’s Stuntman. So far, all the characters have been ones created for either DC or Timely (Marvel). S&K created Stuntman for Harvey Comics!
It was a fun concept. Along with Fred Drake as Stuntman, you had lookalike actor Don Daring, who fancied himself something of a detective, but had a way of getting in over his head. He offered some comic relief in the strip. Meanwhile, Fred Drake as Stuntman handled all the real heavy lifting in solving the cases. And then you also had a romantic triangle with Don Daring’s costar, Sandra Sylvan, who didn’t know Fred even existed.
The strip was quality, like everything Simon and Kirby tackled, but it came out at a bad time. Post-WWII, there was apparently less interest in superheroes, and with all the paper rationing no longer in place, there was a glut of titles on the stands. So the sad thing was that they only got three issues out before the plug had to be pulled.
I tried an idea for my Stuntman portrait that I thought might be a little different and interesting, depicting him in mid-stunt. Hope you enjoy, and see you again tomorrow!