Tag Archives: The Warriors Three

…And an Encore!

Well, we just com­plet­ed anoth­er Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month (curat­ed and cre­at­ed by Howard Simp­son). I guess you could call this the bonus round. Like last year, I decid­ed to try to assem­ble all of these into one, big image. With the excep­tion of yes­ter­day’s “wild card” round, which was not a Jack Kir­by cre­ation, so it does­n’t belong here. Plus 30 images just group togeth­er a lot eas­i­er than 31!

See­ing all of these togeth­er, I’m struck by how busy the end result is! There’s a lot going on. I guess that’s a result of my try­ing to give each pan­el a sense of nar­ra­tive, as if they were each ran­dom­ly plucked from the midst of larg­er stories.

A lot­ta work there! See­ing them all togeth­er makes me real­ize that. But it’s cool see­ing them all in this context.

Will I do this again next year? We’ll see. I may tweak my process a lit­tle bit. I did this year, by adding the nar­ra­tive aspect.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this trip with me, found it fun and inspirational.

Three Is a Magic Number

Here on the 19th day of Jack Kir­by Trib­ute Month, we’ve moved into Asgard week, fea­tur­ing char­ac­ters from Jack­’s Thor run. Today’s prompt is the War­riors Three! In front from left, we have Hogun the Grim and Fan­dral the Dash­ing. Behind them is Volstagg.

As seen in Thor Annu­al #2 from 1966, the War­riors were good friends of Thor. They would often end up going into bat­tle togeth­er. Fan­dral had a dev­il-may-care atti­tude, smil­ing and jok­ing as he bat­tled, seem­ing­ly mod­eled after Errol Fly­nn (per­haps with Fly­n­n’s ver­sion of Robin Hood in mind). Hogun came by his appel­la­tion “the Grim” hon­est­ly, as he rarely smiled or said much in bat­tle (he appeared to be some­thing of a mash-up of Charles Bron­son and Genghis Khan, odd­ly enough). Vol­stagg at this ear­ly point in time was often more of a com­ic relief fig­ure, though lat­er he was shown to be as brave and respect­ed as the rest. He appears to have been inspired by Shake­speare’s Falstaff.

I’d nev­er attempt­ed to draw these char­ac­ters, so it was fun to take a crack at them! Hope you enjoy, and tune in again tomor­row if you’re curi­ous to see who in the Thor cast shows up next!