One More for the Road!

Recent vis­i­tors to my site in August will know that I was doing the online Jack Kir­by Trib­ute every day, the brain­child of Howard Simp­son. it was a blast par­tic­i­pat­ing, refresh­ing my appre­ci­a­tion all over again for all the great work Kir­by did over the years.

I stuck to a very spe­cif­ic for­mat with all of these: por­traits in a small square, col­ored with the lim­it­ed palette used in the old comics most of these char­ac­ters orig­i­nal­ly appeared in, even down to the dot pat­terns. And I had in mind that the end goal was to be able to assem­ble them all into one com­pos­ite image. I was­n’t sure how that would work out, but here’s how it did!

This was kind of just a per­son­al challenge/exercise in tak­ing the Trib­ute a step fur­ther. Not sure what hap­pens with it beyond this point.

Hope you enjoyed the ride!

7 thoughts on “One More for the Road!

  1. joe musich

    Yes. There it is. No Jol­ly Jaunter. So I am assum­ing from the begin­ning you were going with the thir­ty “squares” and end­ing with your Jack image in order to com­plete the larg­er 6×5 ful­ly devel­oped image. Neat. I hope there is a future for your work. The com­plete image deserves much more expo­sure. Thanks, Mr. Lewis.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you stuck it out for the whole ride and enjoyed it, Joe.

      Yeah, I left the Jol­ly Jaunter off for the rea­son you sug­gest, as well as the fact he’s not a Kir­by Kreation. So while he made sense in the con­text of the prompts for the month, I did­n’t think he made sense being includ­ed here. And fin­ish­ing this up with Jack as the final image just felt right to me.

  2. Lyle Dodd

    If you decide to sell poster size prints of this com­pos­ite illus­tra­tion, I would be inter­est­ed in pur­chas­ing a copy.
    Maybe put the year on it, because this is some­thing that might come back around.
    You real­ly out­did your­self and I found myself look­ing for­ward to check­ing my email to see the next installment.
    Thank you.

    1. Mark Post author

      Yeah, it seemed appro­pri­ate to try to use that approach for this. That let­ter­ing was pret­ty much unique to mate­r­i­al Mike Roy­er inked and let­tered for Kir­by. I don’t recall ever see­ing Roy­er use it on any­thing else he might have inked for anoth­er artist, and I also don’t recall ever see­ing any oth­er let­ter­er try­ing to imi­tate the style. So if you want let­ter­ing that says “Kir­by” before you see any­thing else, you can’t go wrong doing this style of let­ter­ing. As long as you make sure you get it right, that is.


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