Oh, Venus…!

I dis­cov­ered just before the start of this month that there’s some­thing of a social media thing going on at the moment with Big Bang Comics char­ac­ters. #Big­Bang­To­ber appar­ent­ly. As an ear­ly con­trib­u­tor to Big Bang (ear­ly and often, in a vari­ety of ways), I felt like maybe I should con­tribute to the cause. So over on LinkedIn, I’ve been post­ing a num­ber of my old Big Bang pieces.

The attached is one I always want­ed to col­or, but nev­er had the chance to, until now. It’s a faux Gold­en Age cov­er, done as one of many for one of the “Big Bang His­to­ry of Comics” issues. Mod­eled after The Ster­anko His­to­ry of Comics books, Gary Carl­son need­ed a lot of cov­ers to fill out the pages. This was one I came up with. Pen­cils, let­ter­ing (and of course, col­or­ing) are mine. Inks were by Jeff Mey­er, who did a great job of help­ing fur­ther the H.G. Peter art look I was going for here. (I came up with the name “P.G.Harris” as kind of Big Bang’s H.G. Peter equivalent).

Thanks for looking!

3 thoughts on “Oh, Venus…!

  1. joe musich

    I love it, The boots on the Crim­son Cat are a stand out. The col­or­ing per­fect. The orange to yel­low back­ground from top to bot­tom real­ly makes every­thing pop for me. I also like the hem­sipher­i­cal shape that rep­re­sents their world. Thanks

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you liked this. It took quite a bit of exper­i­men­ta­tion to fig­ure out how best to col­or the back­ground ele­ments. The sky was tricky because of her red hair and gold crown.

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