Do the Frankenstomp!

It’s that time of year again! Hal­loween! And long-time vis­i­tors to my site might recall that I have some­thing of a loose tra­di­tion of doing Franken­stein-themed stuff in hon­or of the hol­i­day. Here’s this year’s: a sin­gle from the ’60s by the Orloks, doing the Frankenstomp.

There was a big pop cul­ture fas­ci­na­tion with mon­sters in the ’60s, like­ly spurred ini­tial­ly at least in part by TV sta­tions look­ing to fill time, and resort­ing to run­ning old mon­ster movies. They caught on with young view­ers and cre­at­ed a demand for more, result­ing in all kinds of games, mod­els, TV shows, cartoons…and even nov­el­ty 45’s like this.

I’m a big fan of this kind of mid-cen­tu­ry art style (and the style of graph­ic design that goes with it). It’s very sil­hou­ette- and shape-ori­ent­ed. I must con­fess, it does­n’t come entire­ly nat­ur­al to me to try to draw this way (it’s like throw­ing a car in hard reverse, after years of try­ing so hard to get vol­ume and dimen­sion into all my work). But it’s fun to at least attempt it like this every now and then.

Enjoy, and Hap­py Halloween!

2 thoughts on “Do the Frankenstomp!

  1. joe musich

    Oh! Fun­ny! I was tricked. Since I have not tak­en the time to go through past Oct. posts, I had not known that The Orlocks were fic­ti­cious. So here I am on a seri­ous goog serch for their actu­al music. HaHa­Ha. I did find a Ger­man title “Orloks Bon­ing.” I am also going to have to do some inves­ti­gat­ing of but­ter­flies and vam­pires which came up in the goog search.
    Seri­ous­ly, for peo­ple who have not vis­it­ed your Octo­bers of the past- Go Now.
    As to this year’s cre­ation: I like the use of white around the prin­ci­pal char­ac­ters. And of course the hap­py smiles of the mon­sters add an inno­cence and reflect the 60’s mon­ster mania. The pur­ples bring to mind the oxgen deplet­ing that might hap­pen with a goofy bat blood draw.
    Very authen­tic. Thanks.

    1. Mark Post author

      Glad you enjoyed this.
      Sor­ry for the con­fu­sion (but not too sor­ry, because it means I achieved my goal of hav­ing it look like an authen­tic peri­od piece :). Yeah, I basi­cal­ly pulled the name the Orloks out of thin air, or rather from the name of the Count in Nos­fer­atu. In plur­al like that, it sound­ed like a cool, fun band name for a group that would be doing songs like this.


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