Tag Archives: Teaser

Again with the Teasing!

FCA Teaser 3BDue to “busy-ness” here late­ly (a good thing), I’m falling back on the ol’ reli­able tease once again.

The images you’re see­ing here are details from a few illus­tra­tions that have crossed my desk this month which I had a hand in gen­er­at­ing, in one capac­i­ty or anoth­er. These were all done for the FCA sec­tion of Roy Thomas’ Alter Ego mag­a­zine, pub­lished by Twom­or­rows. Full images will appear on my site even­tu­al­ly, once I’ve been giv­en the “all clear” to do so. Mean­time, hope­ful­ly there’s enough here to whet your appetite to see more at a lat­er date.

FCA Teaser 3AI hope the New Year is being good to you all thus far.

FCA Teaser 3C

Clutch Escargot!

Clutch Escargot CoverIt’s a new year, and I’ve got some­thing new to post. Well, tech­ni­cal­ly it’s not real­ly new, but it will be new to you readers.

Meet Clutch Escar­got and his team, all set for hi-octane adven­ture! Com­ing to you straight from the fevered mind of my friend, the love­ly and tal­ent­ed Jim Sten­strum. If you are a long­time comics fan, you may know Jim best as a writer (he wrote a lot of mem­o­rable clas­sic com­ic sto­ries pub­lished by War­ren). But Jim has also had a sec­ond career in ani­ma­tion, where he is known as quite a tal­ent­ed artist and char­ac­ter design­er. Which makes him a dou­ble threat. And we won’t even get into the years in-between those two careers, where he devel­oped quite a rep­u­ta­tion as a two-fist­ed globe-trot­ting mer­ce­nary. No, real­ly; it’s best we don’t talk about that.

The art you see here was pen­ciled by Jim. He asked me to do the hon­ors of ink­ing and col­or­ing it, so that’s what my con­tri­bu­tion was. I’ve worked with Jim many, many times over the years on var­i­ous ani­ma­tion projects, and it’s no exag­ger­a­tion to say I’ve most like­ly inked a thou­sand of his char­ac­ter designs. It’s always a blast. So say­ing “yes” when he invit­ed me to help him out with this was a no-brain­er. I think the end result is fun. I’d buy this comic.

That’s kind of my ver­sion of what this is and how it came to be. But make sure you don’t miss out on read­ing Jim’s ver­sion over here.

Let’s make sure to do the offi­cial stuff too: Clutch Escar­got is ™ and © 2011 Jim Stenstrum.

Hap­py New Year, y’all! Here’s to a great 2013.

Yet More Teasing

Things are real­ly busy here. I fin­ished one of the projects I teased last month, but I still can’t show off the whole thing quite just yet. How­ev­er, rather than let the month pass with­out post­ing any­thing, I thought I’d at least show a por­tion of the final art. It’s anoth­er faux com­ic cov­er (some­thing I’ve done a lot of). This one I’m quite hap­py with (So is the client, which is always a good thing when you can man­age it), and I look for­ward to when the whole thing can be shown!

Once Again, a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Well, I find myself in a strange posi­tion at the moment: buried under a num­ber of var­i­ous side projects. It’s unusu­al for me to get hit all at once like this, so I’m not quite sure what to make of it. They’re all the kinds of inter­est­ing and chal­leng­ing assign­ments that are hard to say “no” to, and should be a lot of fun to see through. Got­ta keep them all mov­ing though. If you can imag­ine me fran­ti­cal­ly jug­gling to the musi­cal accom­pa­ni­ment of the “Sabre Dance,” you’ll get the idea.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, though I’ve got all these projects going, they’re all just works-in-progress at the moment. None of them are done and ready to post. Even if they were, some of the peo­ple I’m doing them for might not be ready for me to put them up quite yet. And with the hol­i­days so close, I don’t think I’m going to have time to do any­thing else spe­cial for my site right now. So in lieu of that, I hope maybe some sneak peeks at a cou­ple of the works in progress will suf­fice for the moment. It’s either that, or let this month go by with­out post­ing anything.

One brand new item I can point out: I am pleased to announce that I am now being rep­re­sent­ed by Ellen Ann Mersereau, who works with a ros­ter of some of the most tal­ent­ed cre­ators in the busi­ness. You can find her con­tact info over to your right in the sidebar.

Wher­ev­er you are, what­ev­er your cur­rent cir­cum­stances, I hope the hol­i­days are good to you; that you have a good Christ­mas, and an excel­lent New Year!

Hydee Hits the Funny Pages

I’ve just been giv­en the go-ahead to final­ly spill the beans about a project I worked on ear­li­er this year. It’s what I was talk­ing about in this post. I got to help with the art for a short Hydee and the Hy Tops com­ic, which is to be pro­duced as a give­away. You get to see it all above, for the first time any­where, probably.

Once again, I was giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to col­lab­o­rate with the love­ly and tal­ent­ed Jim Sten­strum (who is try­ing to get togeth­er a site of his own. When that hap­pens, it will be in my blogroll). Jim pen­cilled these pages, while I did all the col­or­ing and let­ter­ing. There were no pen­cils harmed in the mak­ing of this com­ic, as there was no ink­ing in the usu­al sense. The art style has no con­tain­ment lines; just flat areas of col­or, with occa­sion­al bits of col­ored linework only where need­ed. The look of the com­ic was based on what we’d done for the flash-ani­mat­ed Hydee fea­ture, which I don’t think has been released just yet (Though you can see some of the work I did for that here in my Gal­leries).

I enjoyed work­ing with the Hydee char­ac­ters, both in the com­ic and on the fea­ture. The sce­nario was kind of “Josie and the Pussy­cats by way of the Go-Gos, but if they were being formed now for the Dis­ney Chan­nel,” if that descrip­tion makes any sense. And the client was a dream to work with (which, as any­one in ani­ma­tion can tell you, is not some­thing you can expect to hap­pen all that often). I wish all clients were that good to work with! If the oppor­tu­ni­ty pre­sent­ed itself to work with the prop­er­ty again, under the same kind of cir­cum­stances, I would not hes­i­tate to do it. It was fun.

Just Another Tease

So I haven’t post­ed in awhile. The last few weeks have been crazy busy with col­or­ing and let­ter­ing a com­ic book project. I can’t give details or post the pages just yet, but will in a few months, once I get the clear­ance to do so. In the mean­time, the image at right is non-spe­cif­ic enough to work as a tease for what the thing looks like.

Pen­cils for this project were by the love­ly and tal­ent­ed Jim Sten­strum. Jim is best known in comics as a writer, but in ani­ma­tion he’s bet­ter known as a char­ac­ter design­er. I’ve worked with Jim on many projects over the years, and it is always a pleasure.

Now It Can Be Told!

Some may recall there was a mys­te­ri­ous “teas­er” post I put up back before Christ­mas. I’d been asked to hold off on putting the full art­work for it on my site…until now. So here it is, final­ly: a copy of Amaz­ing Faw­cett Fan­ta­sy #15.

Nev­er seen one before? That’s because it does­n’t exist. It was done as the cov­er for FCA #159, which will be appear­ing in the upcom­ing land­mark 100th issue of Alter Ego. You can see it in con­text with the FCA logo and every­thing else over in my Gal­leries.

You’re prob­a­bly say­ing, “Wait, you goofed up! That does­n’t look any­thing like Spi­der-man!” Ah, but it seems that before the Spi­der-man we’re all famil­iar with came to be, there were sev­er­al vil­lain “spi­der men” char­ac­ters who cropped up in var­i­ous Faw­cett strips. Includ­ing the fel­low on this cov­er here, who went up against Cap­tain Marvel.

This assign­ment was sev­er­al lev­els of fun: get­ting to do my best C.C. Beck impres­sion, try­ing to fig­ure out just what a Faw­cett com­ic might have looked like had they still been pub­lish­ing into the ear­ly 60’s, and work­ing out how to use Pho­to­shop to make it look like a real, well-read comic.

Many thanks to both P.C. Hamer­linck and Roy Thomas for invit­ing me to be part of this mile­stone issue!

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays to You All Out There

I’m not sure whether I’ll man­age to get my gal­leries up before the hol­i­days or not, but I thought I’d at least get one more post in before the end of the year. That project I allud­ed to in my pre­vi­ous post last month? This is a teaser/portion of that illus­tra­tion. Down the road at some point when I’ve been giv­en clear­ance, I’ll post the full image. This was a fun one to do, as I got to try out some things in Pho­to­shop I’d nev­er done before.

And in case I don’t wind up post­ing any­thing else before then: hope you all have a good hol­i­day sea­son, wher­ev­er you go, what­ev­er you do.