Call the Nurse!

This is a bit dif­fer­ent, in that I don’t usu­al­ly do a lot of top­i­cal, cur­rent events-relat­ed things.

It’s impos­si­ble not to know about Covid-19. I’m aware that we have front­line work­ers, espe­cial­ly in the med­ical pro­fes­sion, who are deal­ing with it on a dai­ly basis. And for some rea­son recent­ly, I was think­ing about nurs­es and super­heroes, and thought of this odd­ball old Gold­en Age comics char­ac­ter called Pat Park­er, War Nurse.

Start­ing off as a straight strip in Speed Comics #13, about the adven­tures of a British nurse in WWII, appar­ent­ly it must have been felt by Har­vey Comics that she was­n’t dynam­ic enough in that form to help boost sales. So they end­ed up giv­ing her super­pow­ers and a cos­tume. At one point, she was even the leader of a group called the Girl Com­man­dos. Her last comics appear­ance was in March of 1946.

My brain start­ed to think about what would hap­pen if you updat­ed Pat Park­er, send­ing her into bat­tle against Covid-19. After all, she was a “war nurse.” She looks a bit dif­fer­ent here, because it did­n’t seem prac­ti­cal she’d bat­tle this with her orig­i­nal out­fit: bare midriff, short shorts and no facial covering.

And after the fact, I real­ized what I’d done was prob­a­bly also sub­lim­i­nal­ly inspired by anoth­er draw­ing I saw on LinkedIn by the very tal­ent­ed Thomas Perkins.

So this is my slight­ly sil­ly, but no less sin­cere, trib­ute to those med­ical per­son­nel on the front­lines. Thank you for your super­hu­man efforts. You are superheroes.

4 thoughts on “Call the Nurse!

  1. John G. Pierce

    Great trib­ute to some of the real-life super-heroes among us dur­ing this cri­sis. Maybe you would want to fol­low up with some­thing involv­ing a doc­tor or a policeman!

    1. Mark Post author

      Thanks, John!
      I can imme­di­ate­ly think of a few super­hero doc­tors in comics: Doc­tor Fate, Doc­tor Strange, Dr. Mid-Nite. But at the moment, I can only think of one super­hero police­man: that would be DC’s Guardian, cre­at­ed by Simon and Kir­by back in the Gold­en Age.

  2. Howard Simpson

    I was com­mis­sioned to do a draw­ing of Pat Park­er, War Nurse. I had nev­er heard of her before. Your update of your cos­tume is very good and practical.

    1. Mark Post author

      Hey, Howard! Thanks for stop­ping by!
      Yeah, I can’t imag­ine that there are legions of Pat Park­er fans exact­ly, but I do have a bit of a soft spot for some of these old­er “odd­ball” char­ac­ters. Maybe your com­mis­sion­er felt the same way. Craig Yoe reprint­ed the sto­ry where she first cos­tumed up in one of his Super Weird Heroes books. And I fig­ured if she’s going out to war against the Coro­n­avirus, her orig­i­nal out­fit was­n’t going to be very practical.


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